If you wanna talk message me I probably want respond right away but I will respond so yeah message me

Favorite bands are Set it Off, Bring Me the Horizon, New Politics, and Falling In Reverse

Favorite shows are Hawaii Five-0, Supergirl, Shadowhunters, Adam Ruins Everything, and many more
Favorite color is periwinkle

Favorite book series are Shadowhunters, HOO, PJO, and The Shiver Trilogy

Favorite quote "Be gay because life is to short to let hate overshadow love; dont let the fear of what people think keep you from love"
  • Auburn, Washington
  • SumaliSeptember 22, 2015

Huling Mensahe
RaeannWilson RaeannWilson Oct 09, 2016 11:23AM
Thank you to everyone who is following me you guys are amazing if you have any book suggestions tell me because i would love to read them! 
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Kuwento ni Raeann Wilson
Deep Quotes And Thing That Run Through My Mind ni RaeannWilson
Deep Quotes And Thing That Run Thr...
Hi so this is my first and this i just random stuff i will have chapters and i dont reallyhave an updating sc...
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