
It's finally done! a new name for the book and a sick cover! I suddenly decided this was the title i wanted the picture is a little pinched though due to size limits for the cover, but if you want to see it in it's right proportions  http://raekia12.deviantart.com/art/The-Crimson-Masqueradecover-da-edit-506699542?ga_submit_new=10%253A1421107728  just letting you know the text on the cover was edited for my audience on that website, so the title isn't there, but yeah here it is


It's finally done! a new name for the book and a sick cover! I suddenly decided this was the title i wanted the picture is a little pinched though due to size limits for the cover, but if you want to see it in it's right proportions  http://raekia12.deviantart.com/art/The-Crimson-Masqueradecover-da-edit-506699542?ga_submit_new=10%253A1421107728  just letting you know the text on the cover was edited for my audience on that website, so the title isn't there, but yeah here it is


Sorry I havent Uploaded that much lately, but I am not only behind on school work but trying to make a cover that completely belongs to me for "The Seven Sinners" and a new cover for "Behind the Scenes" and are debating on changing the name for that since it is such a common title for a book. If i do it'll probably be something along the lines of "Under my (or our, haven't decided)  Skin". But since I have figured out a much simpler, quicker and more awsome way to make the covers it shouldnt be more than a 1-3 months before I gets new covers up. But as of right now I'm having to not only refresh my memory on what all I have written in BTS over the past two years, but also build back up my motivation. But once I get this next chapter  or two finally uploaded for it I should be uploading regularly like I used to. I'm about half-way through the chapter I'm working on. I just wanted to apologize for taking so long on the uploads. I know most of my followers are people I know physically and know all of this, but for those who don't I felt you needed to know as well.


Thanks to all that are reading my books ^-^
          I've noticed that 2 have read "The Great Escape" and "He's My Nanny"  tell me what you think! All my stories to me seem on different sides of the spectrum of writing and I wanna know what y'all think. 


Guys I have ran out of ideas for a little while in the story 0.0 and I need your help! Send me ideas/ scenarios you would like to see play out in the story. Basically I have an idea, but it's months later and I don't want to just skip to it and make the story rushed. Soooooo, help ;)