Hey guys I posted this on my book: Hamilton sees Hamilton, but anyway ya girl gets to see Hamilton with my friend, my mom, and her mom! If you see me and or think that it might be me here’s a brief description of me: Dark brown hair, greenish blueish yellowish eyes, pale skin, and very short. There ya go! Bai!! :D
Hey guys I posted this on my book: Hamilton sees Hamilton, but anyway ya girl gets to see Hamilton with my friend, my mom, and her mom! If you see me and or think that it might be me here’s a brief description of me: Dark brown hair, greenish blueish yellowish eyes, pale skin, and very short. There ya go! Bai!! :D
Hi everyone! I know I haven’t posted in forever but I decided to past today. I love role plays so if you’d like to role play Hamilton, Harry Potter, Warriors (keep in mind I’m sadly only on series one book three), Dorothy must die, or Upside down magic just reply when you can to this post and I’ll get back to you when I can. Anyway if you’ve read this far I wanna say thanks because you value me as a person and you value my words. So sorry that this is so long. Thanks again! -Luna out
Hi everyone, I’m sorry for not posting much but I try as hard as I can. If you have any suggestions for me to read or ideas for stories just let me know! -Yours truly, Luna