
Chapter posted!!   Hope you like! I know you've been waiting for this one.


@RaevynLondon It didn't disappoint <3
          	  Well done as usual <3


Sorry for the lack of update!  My hubby had minor surgery this week that we thought was going to be outpatient, but the doctor kept him overnight so I spent the night at the hospital. Now I have a 6'6" hunk of injured male who can't drive for TWO weeks and is on lifting restrictions. Yeah... you can guess how well that's going. BUT... I didn't want to lug my laptop to the hospital, so I took a notebook, and started outlining book 3!!! And... in addition, I think I found Tim's story. I wasn't really planning on it, but he is such a frat boy golden retriever... I think he needs an Omega to straighten him out. The next chapter is in the works, so hopefully by this upcoming Saturday, we'll have a new chapter.


@SMase01 Thank you!  So far so good if he can behave himself.


@ErienneClaxton Thank you!  Depending on where it ends up going, Tim might have a pack. He might need some calming influence and someone else might need his fun. I dunno... I haven't written an RH yet. Not that I'm against them... love me some pack action, but I'll only write it if it feels right for the characters.


Are Alpha Lost and Alpha Shield in a series, or are they stand alone books?


@VicaMore Connected standalones... that's the description I was looking for!


@VicaMore It's a series! Different characters, but they're interconnected. You can read them alone, but reading Alpha Lost before Shield will get you more connected to the characters.


I lied!  Apparently, I was farther along than I thought. 1000 words today, and there's a new chapter!! WooHoo! Only 'slightly' edging... *drops chapter and runs.*


@ErienneClaxton I took a modern poetry class because I felt like I should, but I couldn't tell you what I wrote 5 min after I finished the paper. I got A's on all of them, but honestly, not sure he even read them. Editing is NOT my strong suit. I've always been a write and let it go, but this is forcing me to look at it again. I'm glad I've had some time away from Alpha Lost. I'm seeing some things I wouldn't have seen if I tried to edit right away.


@RaevynLondon I did the same thing. Although I generally did have to go back and write an opening paragraph. For some reason it always started with the body. Granted English/writing is NOT my strong suite. I can read and edit just fine. 
            Whatever got it done though :)


@ErienneClaxton Yeah... reminds me when I used to lit papers in college. Look up and be like... oh... it's done? I did read back over it, so hopefully it wasn't too "stream of consciousness."


I wanted to have a new chapter for you, but technology has not been my friend this week. In addition to my day job ramping up, I have completely wiped and reinstalled Windows 11 THREE times this week. Hours on tech support and much frustration have left little time or motivation to write. Luckily, I keep everything in the cloud, so I didn't lose anything. I think I finally have it solved, so hopefully today I'll get some writing down. It's my plan!! Thanks for sticking with me!


@ErienneClaxton Got it in today after all!!  Enjoy!


@RaevynLondon technology can be the best of friends and the worst of the enemies at the same time. 
            Fingers crossed you have it fixed. Can't wait for some new chapters <3


New chapter today!! Enjoy! My daytime life is ramping up so I might post slower, but I'm trying to keep to an every two weeks update.


@HeatherIotte Thank you!! I'm trying hard to leave the day job AT the day job. ❤️


@RaevynLondon Yay new chapter! Thank you it was worth the wait. 
            Take care and don't get too burned out <3


Hi, I hope it's okay to drop this note here. Your story Alpha Lost seems like it's been pirated on Amazon. (seems to be happening lately on werewolf stories)


@still_just_me Wow!!  I had no idea!  Thank you so much!  I've reported it to Amazon. I really appreciate it!


I just wanted to say that I have great admiration for any type of artist, as in writers they can bring a book to life and it can move people in so many many ways, I applaud you on taking the risk you have by putting your hard work out in the world not knowing just how it will be received and being strong enough to take the sometimes petty or hateful comments and criticism that people can be, so thank you for sharing your talent here and being generous by putting it on a app that offers books for free.


@Froggy76 So welcome! I appreciate the comments and even the constructive criticism. It helps me to see it from others' POV to see if what I meant is what came across. I also really appreciate people taking the time to comment. I find that when I read, I am NOT a strong commenter. I vote and lurk, but I rarely comment. I love my readers' comments, and they really help to keep me going when life gets crazy. When I feel like giving up, it's knowing that there are folks waiting for an update that helps me get back to it. 


Latest chapter is posted!!! Enjoy!


@Arlieismydog Thank you!! For some reason, his POV is easier for me.


Amazing chapter as always !!! You do a great job writing the POV of a man lol  