Me on Valentine’s Day be like— James: Come to Neverland it’s me. It’s a date :D Me: awww James. Sorry I can’t come to Neverland with you. I have a responsibility to stay in the schools and protect the storian, Plus, I can’t leave my bro, Rhian. James: Aww okay. Not even ten mins later— *James stays at the schools anyway and starts cozying up to Rhian* Me: No, James! Now you’ve broken my heart and you wanna kill me even though I’m Fala. Traitor! Damn. First, the guy I like ends up cozying up to my own brother and thousands of years after that, my queen murders me and I’ve died twice. My life sucks, man :(

@Rafal_MasterOfEvil @RafalStorian You know.. the song Traitor came into my head reading this.