

Hello Author @RageElixiri, hope it reaches you I really love your fanfic. I want to request that if possible can I get permission to use your fanfic for my YouTube video. I'll give all the credits as you want just let me know if you have any conditions. This is the link to my channel https://www.youtube.com/@TheWanderingZoro you can checkout if you wanna know more. I really hope for positive response. Also just wanna inform you that my channel is monetize, so if you are not comfortable with that do let me know.


hi my name is carmen winstead. I am 17 years old. I am very similar to you. did I mention to you that I'm dead. a few years ago a group of girls pushed me down a sewer hole to try and embarrass me. when I didn't come back up the police came. the girls said that I had fell and everyone believed them. the police found my body in the sewer. I had a broken neck and my face was torn off. send this message to 15 people after you read the whole message if you value your life. a boy called david received this message. he just laughed and deleted it. when he was in the shower he heard laughing. my laughter. he got really scared, rushed to his phone to repost this message but he was too late. the next morning his mom entered his bedroom and all she found was a message written in his blood saying, "you will never have him back." no one has found his body yet. because he is with me. send this to 15 people in the next 5 minutes if you don't want your fate to be the same as david's. your time starts now. 
          ( I kinda thinks it's fake don't you guys think so?)


@RageElixiri *eating popcorn* cool


ikr cause I didn't post it when I saw it last week and nothing happened after an hour.


@RageElixiri This type of "repost this if you love your parents" or "repost if you want to live" or "repost this if you're a true friend" always are fake