GUYS!!!!! I'm BACK! Not really. I 'm here on this account to tell you guys that I've got my groove back on and I am truly sorry for being on such a loooooong hiatus, so to make your day you guys are the first to know that I am going under a new name (Yes, it's here on wattpad) It is.... AmyRamson! <------ MY PEN NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be starting over completely on that account starting with this book (UNKNOWN!) I am going to make MAJOR CHANGES like: Names, couples, plot(sort of) and much more! I will be writing continuously but before I become the bad guy by making you happy and then leaving again, I just want you guys to know that I AM TRULY SORRY FOR BEING GONE FOR SO LONG, so think of this as a late CHRISTMAS present and early NEW YEARS GIFT!
Long story short I'm dealing with depression and I've been attending counseling for it, but I feel so bad that I'm screwing (not literally) everything and decided to write again. For those who left due to me being once again, gone, I completely understand it's not your fault, I would've left too, but for those who stayed let's just say... It's gonna be a crazy ride.
So, once again, 1) Go follow me at AmyRamson (I will be reposting and renewing everything on there starting with UNKNOWN) than 2) Wait until I start posting new chapters everyone other Thursday (Well, you will be receiving a new Chapter On Monday, Jan 1!) and 3) ENJOY THE RIDE! *Powerful singsong voice*
3 simple steps. I miss you LoVes, and See you there at the new ACC and yes if you have any questions I will be answering on that ACC (Just a heads up)
P.S. Dani is for my middle name DANIELLE and AMY is my first name. (Just to clear the future confusion)