Hello!!! I know I've been gone for more than a year now. Even I, didn't expect that I'd be on a hiatus for this long. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to go back and be active again as of the moment. Anyway, thank you so much for all of you! Thank you so much for the patience you've expend on waiting and of hoping. Just so you know, I still read each and every one of your comments, I just didn't really had the time to respond to you all. I see a lot of you who are still re-reading my story and are still waiting for updates. I really am sorry for having been absent and just suddenly stopped updating abruptly, despite my prior promises and whatnot. I really am. Now, regarding my absence, the reason could simply be summarized in one word: LIFE. I've been dealing a lot of problems as of late, especially regarding my future career and life decisions. There have been a lot of mishaps, and instances that have made me lose interest to things that I were once passionate about. These mentioned interests include my passion over writing, and even reading (imagine the horror hahahaha). A lot has really happened to my life which contributed to my overall growth. Hence, I can say that maybe this is the stage of my growth where everything that's happening is vital for my overall development, which is why somewhat, has made me loosen my hold to some things, as I've focused more on myself. Anyway hindi ko na papahabain but I want to tell you all that I sincerely apologize. I will be back soon!!