It's my 32nd birthday!

It's my birthday! I'm 31!

I finally posted Chapter 15 of The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 4: The Force Awakens!

After an extended hiatus of more than a year, I'm in the middle of typing up Chapter 15 of The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 4: The Force Awakens! It should be posted by the end of this week.

Today is my 30th birthday! Also, for those of you waiting for Chapter 15 of the Jon Solo Chronicles Book 4: The Force Awakens, I've been handwriting it out since May, and I hope to have it typed up and posted ASAP.

I just posted Chapter 14 of The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 4: The Force Awakens! That's the good news. The bad news is it's about Han's death. (That's not much of a spoiler if you've seen the actual TFA movie, which I assume you all have by now. It's been almost 5 years since it was released, after all.)

At long last, I finally just posted Chapter 13 of The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 4: The Force Awakens! Also, I realize today is George Lucas' birthday. But I didn't plan to do this. It just happened that way. Yes, it's been months since I last updated. You know it's not unusual for me be to go on hiatus in December for the holidays. But I'm typically back posting again by February or March at the latest. Now it's the middle of May. To be fair, this chapter is quite long. Then there's the Coronavirus pandemic. I'm fine, and so is my family. But everything that's been going on has made it hard for me to concentrate on writing. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and the next one, which will deal with *THAT* scene, will be up as soon as possible.

Happy Star Wars Day! I just started watching Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope. Also, since yesterday, I've finally been typing up Chapter 13 of The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 4: The Force Awakens, and I hope to have it posted ASAP.

Thanks for the follow. I really appreciate it! :)