
So, I'm thinking about deleting all of my books except LITHOTG because I have no ides for them and I don't want to leave them up unfinished and barely anyone reads them anyway. Let me know what you guys think.


Okay, I'm am so so so sorry that I haven't updated in 4 months. But school has been crazy for me and I had some personal stuff happen to me. I'm not making excuses, I'm just trying to explain. Again I'm so so so sorry for my complete absence over the past few months. But if you would be really kind and vote for CMIYC it might motivate me to write some more. Thank you for understanding.


okay, so I'm back. I'm so sorry I've been gone, but I just haven't been up to writing. There's multiple reasons but one of the biggest is school. See pretty much every night I get 5-7 hours of sleep because I never get to bed before 9:30 and get up at 5 AM so not much sleep there. There's another big reason but I don't feel completely comfortable putting it on the internet so lets just leave it at school. But the most important thing is that I'm actually back.