Hi I'm Rain. Otherwise known as Rani Knight.

Fan of the supernatural, paranormal and thriller genre. Currently exploring the werewolf, and dragon world.

Work in progress.

The Wolves of Montero Valley

# 8 Drugcartel 08/01/24
# 1 Colombia 30/01/24


Works on HOLD

The Beast of Montero

The Hunt Is On (Re-Written)

All my books are strictly meant for Wattpad only!!!

Please do not copy or translate my work.


Enjoy the read :)
  • Montero Valley
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 30, 2011

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Истории от Rani Knight
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Shadows of Sun Creek
"What's going on? Do you know who I am?!" shouted a girl next to me. I on the other hand was a nob...
CRY WOLF от RainHero21
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The Wolves of Montero Valley от RainHero21
The Wolves of Montero Valley
"Co-Operate and you just might survive." His claw-y hand me from the back of my neck. I was made to...
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