
Hello everyone just updates BEYOND THE BELLE. I hope you guys enjoyed it, I'm planning to update another one maybe tonight if I would finish it. I'm sorry if I couldn't update this past few days since summer classes started but I'll try to finish this book before my OJT. Once again don't forget to vote, comment and add to your reading lists if you like or love the story. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!


Hello everyone just updates BEYOND THE BELLE. I hope you guys enjoyed it, I'm planning to update another one maybe tonight if I would finish it. I'm sorry if I couldn't update this past few days since summer classes started but I'll try to finish this book before my OJT. Once again don't forget to vote, comment and add to your reading lists if you like or love the story. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!


Hello Everyone!!! Just posted chapter 3 in BEYOND THE BELL. Hope you guys like it, don't forget to vote, comment and add to your reading list if you enjoy this. Thank you.


I love the book your so talented pls don’t stop updating 


Hello Everyone!!! Here's chapter 2 in BEYOND THE BELL. Hope you guys like it, don't forget to vote, comment and add to your reading list if you enjoy this. Thank you.


@Rain_Shine17 when are you going to post the next chapter??? I’m currently obsessed with your story


Hello Everyone! I'm back for another kdrama fanfiction, I just couldn't help myself in writing another story even though I haven't finish the rest of them. But please bear with me, since next year maybe I would finish the rest of my Oc's after I finish college. So hope you like this one and don't forget to comment, vote and add this to your reading list if you enjoyed it. 


AVISALA SA INYONG LAHAT!!! Already poster chapter 7 of SANG'GRE OF GLEAMING LIGHT, I hope you would like this chapter since I keep giving hints of the true identity of Zonia. Let me know in the comments in what you think. I appreciated to all of you guys voting and reading this fanfiction story. It really make my heart so happy.