


Hello people guess who doesn't have sleep? Yep me I'm still trying to update please be patient! I think I will post in the one shots book the second and last part of the Greece X italy one shots and then move on to the second requested one shot I have ready! Please be patient because still I'm not very good with my health and still in hospital T~T trying my best tho! I promise you to have at least two or three parts of my stories posted before 2025 now I will try to see if I can get some sleep because I know I need it but I can't seem to be able to get some right now.. Anyways see you in the updates guys! 


I have to write and write the next chapters or post I don't know how to do that I'm being around two weeks in hospital now but I will try.... I feel so bad for leaving you guys like that but I think I will try to post when I'm a bit rested since I'm trying so much for my health right now and I have given all my try and might to make me as healthy as I can be and fight death I almost died last week and that moved me a lot since this happens often but this is a story for another time the good is that I'm still here I'm still standing and I love my life, I am not dying yet you are not getting rid of me yet! You guys are not losing another author yet I promise! Maybe I will post some drawings I did here in the hospital in my drawing book and well post the one shots I have ready soon let's hope in the next day or today we will see! Until next time we talk I will say bye! I will post soon I promise 


I'm sorry guys for not posting these days I promise to post today or tomorrow in one of my stories or the new story I'm planing to post! I don't know depend on how these two days will go for me! Plus! I have a drawing I will post for Greece ohi day! (no day) one of the many national holidays Greece has! (it's in Monday BTW and I'm going to do a whole day trip in war museums!) so be ready for the new chapters and I have lots to do both in my updates in my books but irl too (name day of half my family today having a celebration too) so yeah I guess guys be ready for the updates! 


@Rain_loveFreedom_23 Πραγματικά σου εύχομαι τα καλύτερα!! Ελπίζω τα πράγματα να εξακολουθούν να πηγαίνουν καλύτερα και η κατάσταση να βρίσκεται σε ένα πιο ήρεμο επίπεδο ώστε να είσαι καλά και να μπορείς να  συνεχίσεις να κάνεις ότι σε ευχαριστεί και σε χαλαρώνει. ^^ Χαίρομαι πάρα πάρα πολύ που υπάρχει ελπίδα να το ελέγχεις και να μην κινδυνεύεις κάθε μέρα, υπομονή, κουράγιο και θα είσαι καλά, και πάλι σου εύχομαι περαστικά και όλα τα καλύτερα!! ❤❤❤


@AlishaDaWolf do not worry I know it was supposed to be for the latest announcement I kinda figured it out ^^ but thank you I'm recovering very well and trying my best! I avoided once again death which is something since my health is in very danger everyday but I'm okay now! Two weeks in hospital is no little time neither I got many rest since I have 15 doctors looking at me everyday but I'm managing! I'm okay tho I made it and I'm planing to post too! Writing helps my mind get distracted! Anyways ευχαριστώ πολύ για τα περαστικά! Αυτό εύχομαι κι εγώ να είναι έτσι περαστικό αλλά δυστυχώς δεν είναι όμως! Οι γιατροί είπαν ότι έχω ελπίδες για μια φυσιολογική ζωή χωρίς να κινδυνεύω να πεθάνω κάθε μέρα ακόμα θα έχω το πρόβλημα υγείας μου αλλά θα έχω την μικρή ελπίδα να το ελέγξω το οποίο είναι καλό για εμένα αυτό περιμένω βασικά το ότι έπρεπε να περάσουν 23 χρόνια για να το μάθω και να γίνει αυτό καλό αργά παρά ποτέ λένε! Τουλάχιστον δεν θα είμαι στον κίνδυνο να πάθω είτε ανακοπή είτε εγκεφαλικό όπως μου είπαν και θα μου προσθέσουν και χρόνια ζωής έτσι το οποίο δεν θα μπορούσε να ήταν καλύτερο! Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ πάντως και πάλι για τα περαστικά! :3


(I was supposed to send this on the most recent announcement you published ^^;) 


So sorry guys I know I was supposed to update the first chapter yesterday but me being sick and almost ended up in hospital just yesterday didn't help with my update I will try today even tho my lungs are worse than yesterday I have very serious asthma problem yeah no regular asthma I need breathing mask to survive at night and hospital too last time I was in hospital it was last November-December but I might end up in hospital again if I don't get better at home I'm sick like almost a week now which is why I have to not get sick or else my health and me are in danger of death but guess what? I got sick! Haha last time I got sick was back at this November - December and now I am sick again :') sickness can be very dangerous for me (it's a reason I never caught COVID in my life) but I promise I will manage today I won't get to hospital neither get an attack and almost die 


Even if I'm sick there we have the new book! An old book in my drafts who I updated fully and I can't wait to show you what I have done! Sooooooo! I hope you guys like it and for those who know and saw it before I hope you like it's come back! I'm back with updates baby and I'm here to stay! 


@ComradeCon yay thank you so much! 


I've been so sick this past week that I did not had the energy to do anything all I do is sleep eat and repeat I haven't got to school yet since I have school but I have this stupid fever that does not want to leave me at all! I had in my program to post some stuff but now I don't even know if I will post them or if I will fall asleep in the screen :/ sorry guys I will try my best to update at least today at night im just very excited to show what I have done (the old book I wanna get back from the depts of my drafts have some cool updates and the drawing chapter is getting ready too!!) I'm so excited but at the same time I just can't help but fall asleep all the time! I take 8 different types of medication (in this is also my regular ones) and I can't help but fall asleep all the time or just eat lay down then sleep :'( 


Wow I have birthday today who would've guessed I lived officially 23 years meanwhile I thought I would never pass my 20 it was a difficult year I have lost people get back people I become wiser plus I made my first trip outside of the country! Who would've guessed I would actually travel outside of the country like it was my biggest dream! Next goal reach my 27!