
I'm done with chapter 1 of "Hatsukoi" rewrite and although it took a while for me to get back into the groove of writing, it feels good! And it's crazy to see the stark difference between the first version and the rewrite one. Shows that my writing style has changed over the past 7 years. 
          	Anyways, can't wait to get started on chapter 2!


hehehehe, thanks for understanding and i'm looking forward to everyone enjoying this work!


@Rainbend There is nor rush and ofcourse ill keep looking forward to it because you are so talented and good at writinggggg


@AmberRebry Hi! I won't be posting anytime soon and I don't have a specific time period on when I'll be posting. Mainly because I want to have a flexible writing schedule as I'm busy with work. 
          	  Also, I plan to write about 60% of this fic before I start posting the first chapter. I'm not sure how long this will take but I'll make announcement leading up to when I'm ready to publish the fic so can keep an eye out. 
          	  Overall, this fic will take a while before it's ready but I hope you'll still look forward to it! :)))


I'm done with chapter 1 of "Hatsukoi" rewrite and although it took a while for me to get back into the groove of writing, it feels good! And it's crazy to see the stark difference between the first version and the rewrite one. Shows that my writing style has changed over the past 7 years. 
          Anyways, can't wait to get started on chapter 2!


hehehehe, thanks for understanding and i'm looking forward to everyone enjoying this work!


@Rainbend There is nor rush and ofcourse ill keep looking forward to it because you are so talented and good at writinggggg


@AmberRebry Hi! I won't be posting anytime soon and I don't have a specific time period on when I'll be posting. Mainly because I want to have a flexible writing schedule as I'm busy with work. 
            Also, I plan to write about 60% of this fic before I start posting the first chapter. I'm not sure how long this will take but I'll make announcement leading up to when I'm ready to publish the fic so can keep an eye out. 
            Overall, this fic will take a while before it's ready but I hope you'll still look forward to it! :)))


Hello, I'm back with an exciting announcement! 
          I've decided to rewrite "Hatsukoi", my Tsukishima x reader fanfic. I've already started on chapter 1 and so far, I'm making some headway. But it's gonna be a while before the story will be published. 
          I plan to have the story about 60% written before I start posting. This way, chapter updates can be more consistent and frequent. And this allows me to have more room when it comes to my writing schedule.
          Along the way, I may post little updates or sneak-peeks on my wall. So, I hope you're just as excited as I am! 
          As always, happy reading!


@Audresaurus_Rex yesh I am back hehehe! thank you for the warm welcome :)))


@Rainbend YIPPEEE
            ALSO, YOU'RE BAAAACKKKK <3333




Author-nim where can i read oikawa's ff 365 days? 


@AreumKim1 Hi, this fanfic has been discontinued and removed for a long time already!


hi author! can I have a permission to translate your story “Hatsukoi” into a Filipino version? :)) i understand if you’ll not allow it‚ thank you in advance !!


@satoruswh0re Hello! Wow, thank you for the honor :)) Sure, I'll be more than happy to give you permission as long as you give me the proper credit somewhere in your story. 
            I'll help to announce this translation to my readers on my end here so they can check it out for themselves. 
            Let me know if you need anything from me to help in your translation :))


Hello  Author-chan Can you do me a favor??(Don't laugh at my idea )
          Dr. Stone  x Sleepy reader 
          The reader is a girl with an unparalleled angelic beauty. She was very beautiful like angels and God, and everyone who looks at her falls for her and her beautiful, sweet beauty. Whether a girl or a boy, they will find themselves loving her obsessively and madly because of her angelic beauty and voice.She is gentle and has a sleepy and calm behavior with a little bit of fun. She is very kind and humble, and when she is shy, she hides behind Senko and clings to him a lot. She is kinda stupid. She spends a long time sleeping Senku is still studying her even after petrification because he doesn't want to add to her stupidity She is oblivious to the yanderes who are obsessed with her and secretly worship her
          One day, she is sleeping in the science lab with her best friend, an overprotective yandere, until a strange green light appears, turning everyone into stone. 
          Will she wake up from petrification or will she remain stuck?! And what will you do after the Yandere female and male characters become obsessed with her and also sanctify her from the first sight and want her for themselves at any cost, and their obsession develops every time they see her? 
          If you don't mind  have a nice day 


@user17792597 Oh, thanks for the idea! But as of now, I've no plans to write another BNHA fanfic. 
            Thank you for loving my stories!


@Rainbend Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to write it, but it's okay if you don't. +I love your novel


@user17792597 Hello, this story idea seems interesting but how may I help you?


Just wanted to let you know that Hatsukoi is the one and only fanfic I’ve ever completely finished bc after I read it, other fanfics didn’t even seem good anymore 


@-BAKUGOSHOTO Hello, thanks so much for your kind words! I'm glad that Hatsukoi has brought you lots of joy in reading :)) Makes me really happy to hear that


          I've some exciting news to make, especially to my French readers! My Dr Stone fanfic, "Constant Variable" will be getting a French translation thanks to @I_am_an_otakuUwU. 
          I'll make an announcement once the first chapter is out. Meanwhile, do go and show your support to I_am_an_otakuUwU. Thanks again for wanting to translate my stories, it's really an honor ^^
          That's all and happy reading! 


If I am to re-write my first fanfic which is "Hatsukoi", will you be interested in that?


@eyecontactscaresme Yesh, if I do re-write it, I'll still have the old version as it is so don't need to worry about me removing it :)


@Rainbend would it be possible to keep both versions up?


          I'm popping in to give an update on how I am since I've been MIA for half a year. Firstly, I'm still alive and not lying dead in a ditch somewhere. Secondly, this is the main reason for this update. I know I haven't posted anything since my last update in June 2022 and there are a few reasons for that. 
          I was working on the next fic and usually, I'll publish the story once I have the first chapter written but this time round, I wanted to do things differently because the story plot is entirely original. Yes, it's still fanfiction but for the first time, I wasn't following an already existing plot which I've been doing for my past 3 stories, and just tweaking things along to fit the story idea that I've in mind. Due to this, I've decided to work on the entire story first or at least, about 80% written before I publish the story so as to ensure that the entire story flows consistently and makes sense. This is the main reason why I was on hiatus for the second half of 2022. Another reason was that I started my new job and it was a period of finding my pace and stability which didn't allow me to have much time to work on my story. Lastly, it was because I was hit with writer's block and just didn't have the mood to write. And ever since then, the story has just been sitting there, waiting to be continued. Thus, this brings me to today where I wanted to explain why has there been nothing from me since my last fanfic. 
          Worry not, I've decided to continue working on this current fic as I miss writing and creating stories for you, my dear readers, to enjoy. However, it'll still be a while more before the fic is ready to be published because the story is just picking up. But once it's ready, do keep an eye out for more details on what this story is all about which I'm excited to share with you as it's something new. 
          Lastly, thank you for your understanding and your support as usual! I wish you all the best in 2023 and Happy New Year ^^


@Starmoon2970 Thank you so much! I hope you're doing well in life as well :)


@Rainbend I did know you were on wattpad. Only read from your quotev or Ao3 account. But I'm glad you're doing well. I'll read anything from you. Your writing is really good. 


@-sugab3ar thank you for your sweet words! I hope you're doing well also ^^ thank you for loving all my books and it's people like you that makes me want to keep writing for all of you to enjoy!