

Here comes a wave meant to wash me away 
          A tide that is taking me under
          Sawllowing sand, left with nothing to say
          My voice drowned out in the thunder 
          But I can't cry, and I can't start to crumble
          Whenever they try to shut me or cut me down
          You can't  keep me quiet
          Won't tremble when you try it
          All I know is I won't go speechless 
          Cause I'll breathe
          When they try to suffocate me
          Don't you underestimate me
          Cause I know I won't go speechless. 


And yes, the Fifa World Cup Champion of 2022 is the one and only Argentina    ❤️. They truly deserved it. Messi and his teammates never failed to make me and the Argentine supporters proud. I became very emotional while watching the match. This moment will be written in the history of World Cup.


Hi love. I came across you profile and knew that I had to follow you. I'm a Virgo aswell and my bday is 6 days after yours


@RainberrySunflower Nice to find a fellow Virgo :)