
I updated Runner Boy wooooo


Hello fello jellybeans!! I would like to get some ideas on what should happen next and creepypastas that I should add to my book. I know that a lot of people make up their own creepypastas and I was wondering if u guys would like me to add ur CP's to my story? If so, put ur CP's name and background story and personality traits, maybe likes and dislikes. Just tell about ur CP's. I would also like it if u would vote on my book. I really just need some feedback from u guys. Please and thank u <3


Hello fellow Jelly Beans(followers). I would like to say to the  the ones have read my book and are waiting for more, I am working on a new chapter as we speak. I'm trying to make it really long and really interesting!! I wanna spoil but I shall not. I'm sorry its taking so long but its being done!! Please read my book if u haven't and please read the new chapter when I'm done. Please, and thanks u. <3