Hark! Hear ye, hear ye. Art thou ready for a tale? 'tis a marvelous story laden with witches and wizards and big ol' ugly dragons. Many of the characters and plot twists will cause bowel disruption, and a doctor should be consulted before embarking on this tale. Are you ready? Okay here it is: I am sitting on my sister's lap as i write this story, and it is most squishy and pleasant to stow my butt upon. I know what you're thinking....where might i find such a welcoming lap to stow my butt upon? Well, i must warn you. This lap is mine!!!!! So go find your own. You may never come to find a lap as comfortable and safe as my dear little Molly's), but unfortunately for you, you will just have to settle for whatever mundane lap you may stow your butt upon. Good luck in your quest for the most inspiring of laps, and good day to you all!
  • JoinedNovember 11, 2011


Last Message
RainbowBoogers RainbowBoogers Nov 11, 2011 03:41AM
i'm ari!
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