I'm not going to be updating any stories, so the 0 people that actually read this stuff, just know that they're all on hold. I don't know if I'll ever come back to Wattpad. It's been a nice run, thanks 205 followers. Appreciation is given where it's due. If one day I start updating again, I'll explain if I can why I left. This could be the last one: Bye, Tacos.
OHMYGOSH!!!! SKYE!?!? I feel bad because we kinda both forgot each other... I still remember you though! (Btw my previous usernames we're @LonelyChan23 or @WeirdoChan23)
I'm not going to be updating any stories, so the 0 people that actually read this stuff, just know that they're all on hold. I don't know if I'll ever come back to Wattpad. It's been a nice run, thanks 205 followers. Appreciation is given where it's due. If one day I start updating again, I'll explain if I can why I left. This could be the last one: Bye, Tacos.
Okay, I think that three of my stories were deleted. This is pissing me off because I don't know how!! I just got on Wattpad and I only have TWO WORKS PUBLISHED. Does anyone know what happened? Please, I need someone to tell me.
*basic white girl voice* Waving Through A Window from like Dear Evan Hansen is like so like relatable. #relatable. But seriously, no joke, I relate to that song so much and I love it. I'm not trying to get people to feel bad for me but it's actually me when I'm around my friends. XD
I have a new story up. It’s a Hamilton FanFiction. The name is I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot. Go read, comment, and vote. I mean, please. I would like it if everyone could go check it out. Bye, Tacos. I’m tired.
Um.... Not that anyone noticed, but I might possibly be back. I took a break for a while because I lost inspiration. This might result in me deleting a crap-ton of my stories. Except for my watching crap series. That can stay. Also, I've come back with something different. I like Hamilton. Be expecting a Lams fanfic soon. :D