So I'm in college now. I'm not sure if I had posted about it. It's been a crazy past three years. I've been super depressed. Got a crappy job as a cashier at a Mexican restaurant. I have been living with my dad and my sisters since they had to move in due to complicated family drama. Also, had my first love and it ended and that sucked (still working through it). Started feeling burned out because of school because I've been there for three years non stop. I took classes every semester till now. Now I'm unemployed, not taking summer classes, and doing volunteer work at my local zoo. So I'm in a better place, still feeling a little depressed and my anxiety has caused my insomnia to come back and its pretty crappy but I'm working on it. And I have some ideas, and I know I keep saying that but I need to keep writing to excercise my skills (since my major is creative writing) so I'm hoping to update my book "the switch" and also publish a collection of some of my poems and flash fiction pieces I have been working on. So yeah, fingers crossed that I'll update.