
So I'm in college now. I'm not sure if I had posted about it. It's been a crazy past three years. I've been super depressed. Got a crappy job as a cashier at a Mexican restaurant. I have been living with my dad and my sisters since they had to move in due to complicated family drama. Also, had my first love and it ended and that sucked (still working through it). Started feeling burned out because of school because I've been there for three years non stop. I took classes every semester till now. Now I'm unemployed, not taking summer classes, and doing volunteer work at my local zoo. So I'm in a better place, still feeling a little depressed and my anxiety has caused my insomnia to come back and its pretty crappy but I'm working on it. And I have some ideas, and I know I keep saying that but I need to keep writing to excercise my skills (since my major is creative writing) so I'm hoping to update my book "the switch" and also publish a collection of some of my poems and flash fiction pieces I have been working on. So yeah, fingers crossed that I'll update.


So I'm in college now. I'm not sure if I had posted about it. It's been a crazy past three years. I've been super depressed. Got a crappy job as a cashier at a Mexican restaurant. I have been living with my dad and my sisters since they had to move in due to complicated family drama. Also, had my first love and it ended and that sucked (still working through it). Started feeling burned out because of school because I've been there for three years non stop. I took classes every semester till now. Now I'm unemployed, not taking summer classes, and doing volunteer work at my local zoo. So I'm in a better place, still feeling a little depressed and my anxiety has caused my insomnia to come back and its pretty crappy but I'm working on it. And I have some ideas, and I know I keep saying that but I need to keep writing to excercise my skills (since my major is creative writing) so I'm hoping to update my book "the switch" and also publish a collection of some of my poems and flash fiction pieces I have been working on. So yeah, fingers crossed that I'll update.


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I've decided that I do not want to have my story "the junior squad of WACP" published until I can write it without it being rubbish so until then that story will be unpublished. For now I will continue writing my story "The Switch" I hope to have it done pretty soon so I can go back and fix some errors. I am now fortunate enough to have a lot of free time on my hands since I am now officially on Christmas break. I do also have plenty of ideas and I am currently working on my next chapter. I know I've been shit at updating and at even being present on this website but I'm back for now so you can expect me to actually update sometime soon. If you have any questions or concerns please do inbox me :)


This week will be a heck of a week with midterms and tests and rehearsals and UIL in the weekend, not to mention the football game on Friday but I already have half of my next chapter for "The Switch" done so that's means if I have time either Wednesday or Sunday, I will update :) Just hang tight okay? and as for the readers of my other story. I have been thinking that I might take it down just so I can edit and fix it and change the plot and make it more exciting. But again that's just a thought I might take it down but then again I might just try to keep it going.


I know that I haven't been on much and I haven't updated much and I don't even know how many people still care of my books but I'm trying guys. But my life tends to be one crisis after another. I've actually shut down a couple of times because I've had surgery twice and got worse news besides my parents divorcing. So yeah a lot going on, I'm barely able to get on the internet now a days, my mom thinks I'm addicted and have a problem because I really love being online. As of recently there's actually been a dispute on whether my mom and my sisters and I were going to actually move to a new city or not. This is actually been stressing me out so much lately. I can't even sleep nowadays. Right now it's actually the  3rd week that I've slept at around 3 or 4 am because my body just shuts down and my mind just finally lets it. I'm sure I'll eventually finish these stories. I just need to get over my problems and try to help myself get through this. Okay? I'm really sorry I haven't been on, honestly I am but I'm trying to piece my life together because it's time I do it. With two years till I'm out in the world by myself, I need to get my act together. I have big plans for my future specially moving to a whole new continent but if I want to do this I have to start saving up money and I also need to buy my own laptop and get my license and learn how to not suck at driving. I just want you guys to know I haven't abandoned this website and I'm not planning on leaving these stories unfinished. I will finish them. Just. I need some time. I know I haven't updated in about a year and I'm honestly so sorry for  that. But guys I haven't forgotten. I will get my act together and I will finish these stories.


I will sadly go on a trip where there won't be any internet but luckily, I have already worked ahead and got all the parts to my stories on word documents that way I can work on them so Expect an update for both stories when I come back :D Which I hope will be March 15 :D