Hey fam. Even though I haven’t posted anything in yonks, I’ve occasionally popped in to see people still enjoying my work which has always been so gratifying. I popped in today to find that Mortal Power has reached 1k votes!!!!!!! Even though it flashes me back to my cringey days of iF yOu dOnT vOte FoR eVeRy cHapTeR i wOnT uPdAte (ugh sorry lol), tween Rainbow_Ink is jumping up and down at the prospect of 1000 occurrences of people enjoying a chapter so much they gave it a star. Thanks so much, I’m not much of a writer anymore but it still makes me so happy that I’ve created something people can enjoy

@Rainbow_Ink Student of the House of Hufflepuff...it's great to see you back, and glad to see Wattpad has been honouring one of its best while you were on Hiatus at Hogwarts. Maybe one day soon, you'll return? Take care, old friend ~_~