Remember those times on cartoon network like in that one episode of "The Powerpuff Girls" (the original) and "The Loonatics" (rather enjoyed that ngl) where they get a smol fuzzy cute lil round bean chibi monster thing that you can play with, cuddle with, walk with, terrorize your neighbors with, eat with, except that there's one rule you MUST ALWAYS follow.
The rule being "Do not feed after midnight".
My reservation with this is that isn't everyday technically always after midnight? Like once it strikes 12:00 am it's midnight, and as the day goes on its technically after midnight the ENTIRE DAY. Like, in the shows does "After midnight" count as "do not feed your adorable demon Pokémon rip off until a few minutes after midnight or an hour after midnight or until the sun rises" Like what exactly counts as "after midnight"?