Hey guys! I know I haven't updated my stuff in a while, but I'm asking you guys a HUGE favor. As you already know, I'm involved in marching band at my school. We just recently entered Zildjian's My Pits the Pits contest, where our school band has a chance to earn some awesome brand new percussion stuff. Our percussion equipment isn't exactly in mint condition, so we could really use the new stuff! So, if you could please view and like our entry video, it would be majorly appreciated. The link is http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bP7Ks7-H1hg or if that doesn't work, just open up YouTube and search "my pits the pits boyertown" and it should be the first video. Thanks guys, this means a lot to me and the band!
*Updates for stories are in progress now that marching band is coming to a close, so hang tight!
Thanks again, Raindrop14