My my my *taking a moment of silence*
You guys....! Thank you for all the wishes and supporting words you all showered upon me for my last message. To be honest, I didn't expect it, but you guys seemed rather firm about smacking some sense into my brain, turning the entire thing into a therapy session bro. I am speechless.
I read all of your long replies, and even though i am not replying to it individually, do know that you guys....every single one of you made my day, softened my heart, I was smiling through out. It's great to see how matured and wise my Crystals' are. Like, damn! I should take notes from you all.
And I am like, where are people like you all in my offline life bruh? Instead I am surrounded with either birdbrains or narcissists, lol. This is so unfair. At this point, I wouldn't mind if you guys adopt me, just tell me when should I take the damn flight! Jk.
Anyways, knowing the fact that we all feel the same about adulthood, I just hope that you all still manage to find colors and smiles in your life. Embrace your innerchild. Eat healthy and stay happy, you beautiful beautiful souls. And lots and lots and lots of thankYOU for simply being here. It REALLY means a lot.
Sending protective energies on your way, wrapping you in a warm soothing embrace.
With Love,
Your Rain❤️