Someone PM-ed me here saying I was saying bullshits to other satzu authors. Like, ???, I only know a few and I rarely read fics the past 6 years ever since I started my own stories.
So this person basically said I was saying bs about other authors and that I am a flop. I also have the most cringy stories. HAHAHAHAHA
If you are curious about what this person said, I posted it in my insta LMAO @raine1o1
The funny thing about this person is that they are wrong about me ranting and shitting other authors, and I think this person read allllllllll my stories to be able to conclude it was all cringy HAHAHAHAAH I agree on that one tho, it's cringy reading your own fic LMAO
Anywayyyysssssss idc lmao im too busy working rn ^^ got so many bills to pay
This person msg me last June and I just read it now. See? I rarely open wattpad now.
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