
this message may be offensive
Ok this is going to be very TMI but. . . I kinda thought cay would top Raine. . . I was very wrong. . .
          	Ok for context, cay was having a bad day so I decided, since my mom was away for work, id make cay a little surprise, so I kidnapped Raine and put a bow on him for cay to enjoy so to speak
          	Now mind you, this was cay's first time with raine. . . Oh my Asmodeus, the noises I heard from that room. . . I was both concerned and a little jealous. . .
          	But I actually thought that cay would top Raine, idk why, that's just what I thought, but I was very much mistaken, and when poor cay left that room, he was gasping, I repeat, gasping, he hobbled, and I know he's a cane user, but this was a different type of hobble, to the couch looking like that one pound time meme
          	He literally couldn't even look at me, he just asked me "what did you teach that twink. . ." But the thing is, I didn't teach him shit, and I was his first! that twink learned all that on his own! 
          	He may not have one (a you know what) but he sure knows how to use one!
          	Also, Raine just read this and gained the most smug look HELP 


@Gin_Kokoro *le gasp* I love mairimashita iruma-kun! Cay has been trying to convince Raine to make an Asmodeus x Iruma fanfic lol


@Raineymouse406 I laughed my ass off reading this


@Raineymouse406 You can't be telling me this kinda stuff with my dirty mind and fanfic addiction.......plus you said Asmodeus so my mind automatically imagined this situation with Asmodeus from Mairimashita Iruma-kun with Clara putting a bow on Iruma.....I don't know if you've seen that but it fits amazingly


this message may be offensive
Ok this is going to be very TMI but. . . I kinda thought cay would top Raine. . . I was very wrong. . .
          Ok for context, cay was having a bad day so I decided, since my mom was away for work, id make cay a little surprise, so I kidnapped Raine and put a bow on him for cay to enjoy so to speak
          Now mind you, this was cay's first time with raine. . . Oh my Asmodeus, the noises I heard from that room. . . I was both concerned and a little jealous. . .
          But I actually thought that cay would top Raine, idk why, that's just what I thought, but I was very much mistaken, and when poor cay left that room, he was gasping, I repeat, gasping, he hobbled, and I know he's a cane user, but this was a different type of hobble, to the couch looking like that one pound time meme
          He literally couldn't even look at me, he just asked me "what did you teach that twink. . ." But the thing is, I didn't teach him shit, and I was his first! that twink learned all that on his own! 
          He may not have one (a you know what) but he sure knows how to use one!
          Also, Raine just read this and gained the most smug look HELP 


@Gin_Kokoro *le gasp* I love mairimashita iruma-kun! Cay has been trying to convince Raine to make an Asmodeus x Iruma fanfic lol


@Raineymouse406 I laughed my ass off reading this


@Raineymouse406 You can't be telling me this kinda stuff with my dirty mind and fanfic addiction.......plus you said Asmodeus so my mind automatically imagined this situation with Asmodeus from Mairimashita Iruma-kun with Clara putting a bow on Iruma.....I don't know if you've seen that but it fits amazingly


What I think will happen if I ask my grandparents to take me to the store-
          Me: hey, can you take me to the store? My cats knocked over my Xbox controller so I need to get a new one
          My grandparents: *scoffs* we paid $50 for that and you broke it? That's money you're wasting you know. Are you going to pay us back? Are you going to pay for gas money? Are you sure you can't just fix it?
          Me: I'm sorry, I'll pay for the new controller. . .
          My grandparents: *rolls eyes* let's just go *mumbled something about me being a financial burden*
          What actually happens when I ask my grandparents to take me to the store-
          Me: h-hey, can you take me to the store? My cat knocked over my controller. I-ill pay for it
          My grandparents: lol cats are goofy, sure let me get ready, and if the controller is over $30, then I can pay for half- WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?
          me, in tears: *basically a blubbering mess*
          My grandma's husband:. . . *Just online orders the controller instead* We need to get this kid therapy. . .
          Mouse/cay: *appears out of nowhere* THATS WHAT WE'VE BEEN SAYING!!!


@Raineymouse406 my grandma would pay for the whole thing though no matter what


@Raineymouse406 haha
            honestly i would think the same


writers: I can't have my parents reading my book! It has two men/woman kissing!
          Other writers: I can't have my parents read this! It's a smutty mafia romance!
          Me:. . . My grandma has been helping me write basically a monster porn retelling of beauty and the beast with characters from anime. . .


@Raineymouse406 I wanna be an author, I'm currently writing around 4 books at the same time. Some of them aren't even age appropriate for me. And if my mum sees what I'm writing, I don't even wanna know what would happen.


@SeraphimFawn-fallen oh yea, I'd never let my mom or stepdad read this, but my Mimi was also a writer at one point and she's written some suggestive stuff too sooo


Sooo. . . I have a confession. . .
          I for real had no idea I hadn't published chapter 1 of The Demon King's Sun Becomes An Eclipse. . .
          I legit thought I had published it like a week ago and only today found out that I never even downloaded the draft to Wattpad (I write my drafts on Google docs because I keep hazing problems with saving rewrites) let alone published the damn thing
          I'm actually so sorry about this, my laptop is currently dead right now and I don't like writing on my phone (my phone is hard to write on) but once it's charged I promise to fix up a few things (there's a scene I need to fix) and publish the chapter 
          Once again, I'm so so so sorry, I'll update as soon as possible
          Oki byyyeee


I just realized that my mom was more worried about me dressing like a homeless person than what my stepdad was thinking when he put his disgusting finger in my mouth while I was sleeping. . .
          . . .
          I also realized that if and/or when I get a therapist, they will be paid really well because they will need a therapist as well


@Raineymouse406 so many things are failing. Society, faith in humanity, majority of the school system, the mind.


@key_jay0 from my understanding, it stems from the fact that many people believe as long as you're not hitting, starving them, and/or touching them, then you're an outstanding parent for doing the bare minimum, and also some people don't consider things like spanking or neglecting needs that aren't exactly basic needs, as abuse, even my stepdad who lives by this idea, doesn't fully understand that what he does is abuse, he, and many others, thinks it's just discipline or necessary 


@Raineymouse406 I know I should be concerned about the first part, but after reading the second part 'I Sent My Therapist to Therapy' by Alec Benjamin started playing in my head so now it's all I can think about.


*ahem*. . .The other day I was helping my Mimi take down Christmas lights inside the house, and I was standing on a chair in front of the TV to grab the lights, but as I did, I nearly fell forward but caught myself against the wall
          my Mimi was right next to me and was very worried do asked if I was ok and I replied "I'm fine, I'm just glad I didn't break the TV" but then my Mimi said nonchalantly "we can get a new TV, we can't get a new you"
          . . . I cried for a few hours after that. . .


@key_jay0 we kept forgetting to take them down lol


@Raineymouse406 Christmas lights?? Also, glad your ok.


*sigh*... Why do people keep thinking im autistic???
          i dont what about me is screaming autistic but both neurodivergent and neurotypical people have asked me on several occasions if I am autistic and it's starting to confuse me
          now we all know I have ADHD, I can't deny that one, but i don't think im autistic,  but most of the people who know me, neurodivergent or not, have stated on several occasions that half the things i do is autistic coded, and my mimi is in fact autistic as well, and she definitely has ADHD, side note, both my mimi and my mom think im autistic
          seriously tho, why do so many people ask me if im autistic? i could be doing the same thing i usually do, or just be talking and someone will ask me if im autistic, literally only a few days ago, i was talking with my friend's autistic partner when i got distracted by some danglies on my hat and they literally looked me in my eyes, and Id like to add that this was our first time meeting, and they asked me "are you autistic?" with the most confident tone I've ever heard
          and I've already told ya'll about my English teacher who asked "you have a tism, don't you?" 
          why does this always happen? even mouse and cay think im autistic! what about me just screams autistic? this is a genuine question, why does this keep happening? It's becoming an actual concern to me


@Raineymouse406 Well then that explains why but you them the differences between the two


@DokiCatDoki well I was born a girl (I'm transmasc) soooo...


@Raineymouse406 Well if your a girl it could be both because the symptoms of ADHD and Autism in girls usually do Have some of the same symptoms so that might be why.


Ok, I've kept y'all guessing about my religion for years now and I figured it's about time that I tell y'all 
          So to get us started I would like to say that I've always been a spiritual person obsessed with the supernatural (yes I have watched the supernatural series) I believe In ghosts and demons, as well as certain forms of magic
          now before you ask, yes I am a part of paganism, more specifically I'm a polytheist and mostly follow hellenic polytheism, though I've only just now gotten serious with this religion but I haven't started practicing with specific deities yet (I'm hoping to work with Apollo and Hermes)
          and no I am not a worshipper of deities, that's not the correct term, as you are not specifically worshipping them, I'm actually a devotee, that's the correct term, also you do not usually choose who you work with, the deity usually chooses you, now if you want to work with a specific deity who doesn't reach out to you, that's fine, at least from my understanding
          Ok, now I would like to say that I'm not strictly a hellenic polytheism, I also practice satanism, actual satanism, not the blood rituals that the church made up to demonize us, although I will admit, naked witchcraft does sound fun (please get the reference)
          anygays, if you have any questions feel free to ask, and please know that I am accepting of any religion as long as you respect mine and others as well
          oki byyyeee


@Raineymouse406 my favourite line is from Edwin when he says "Charles, both our lefts are the bloody same."


@Raineymouse406 yeah..... but I'm starting on writing a fan fiction of it on ao3 to help me cope. It's a crossover with mha aswell. Just think of all the new cases and stuff.


@key_jay0 I actually have watched it! I'm sad it was cancelled but it was so good!