
@ my last message post
          	That's why it's the worst reason; because it's something that you can just IGNORE if you aren't okay with it. It's pretty simple, just turn down the other dude characters and get a girlfriend in the game instead tf


Some people say that Atlus shouldn't add same-sex romance options to Persona because it's weird or whatever, but that's literally the worst reason for why they shouldn't add same-sex romance options.
          Here's why:
          Let's say the Persona 6 protagonist is a dude and he has dude friends who you can romance because Atlus decided to let you do that for P6 along with also dating girls.
          Just like, don't fuckin romance another dude?? Romance a girl?? It really isn't that damn hard ffs.


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Right, well, I don't think my upstairs neighbors are late for work because it's now 7:11 a.m. and I'm still hearing their loud ass stomps above me
          This is so goddamn annoying ughhhhh
          Apartment buildings suck ass fr
          -2 minutes later-
          literally what the fUckKkk
          They must be angry about something because like-
          It is 7 IN THE MORNING


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What the actual fuck are my upstairs neighbors doing??
          It's 5:44 in the fuckin morning and all I hear above me is *sTOMPSTOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP* and like,,, what the hell could someone be doing at almost 6 a.m. that requires them to wake up EVERYONE IN THE DAMN BUILDING by fucking STOMPING all over?
          Like, late for work? Okay, but if that's the case, they must be either REALLY DAMN LATE or they're drunk and keep falling over because they forgot they have work today and refuse to miss, even if they stayed up all night drinking their ass off.
          That was oddly specific. Whoops.


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I remember how I used to be obsessed with first person POV fanfictions and pfft wow.
          It always irritated me when it was second person or third person because I didn't understand it. Second person POV is commonly used in 'x Reader' fanfictions. Example: "You went to the store and bought some candy."
          I didn't understand it because I thought of it as someone watching me, recording everything I do by writing it down, then showing it to me, if that makes sense. Since, in second person, it says "you."
          I didn't really like third person POV fanfictions either, though I usually found them more enjoyable than second person POV stories, at least. It seemed to me that, in a third person POV story, someone was just watching the characters and writing down what they do.
          I'm not even kidding, like... I seriously didn't read most fanfics of second or third POV because of my weird ass thinking.
          Do you know why that's funny and ironic?
          Becauseeee, I hate most first person POV fanfictions now, if not all. I still really don't like second person POV, and I fucking love third person because 


Reasons I like multishipping (between one character and others, so let's say, I shipped the Persona 5 Protagonist -I still like the name Akira but fff- with everyone who's part of the Phantom Thieves. That kind of multishipping. Unless, that's what it was in the first place, but I thought it was just liking multiple pairings from a single fandom without it being between a specific character and others if taht makes sense ffsgsjshsh okay.)
          Reasons I like multishipping:
          -Because shipping a specific character with just ONE other character is kinda boring
          -Because it pisses some people off and it's really entertaining to see someone get all heated because someone ships a character with two other characters lmao. (Not as an OT3 bUT those are cool too and they also piss people off so that's still fun)


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I can 99.9% guarantee that my cold came from some fucking asshole coughing into the food from a buffet place. (I unfortunately didn't go there and actually SEE someone cough into the food, my dad just brought stuff home. But what else could have made me sick? Like, fuck. People do gross shit like that,  hacking their fucking lungs up into buffet food. Do they not realize that THE FOOD THERE IS FOR *EVERYONE* WHO WALKS IN AND PAYS FOR IT AND *EVERYONE* WHO BUYS TAKEOUT. If they go get a meal from McDonald's or some shit for thenselves, cough into that, then eat it, that's different. Because it was THEIR MEAL and THEIRS ONLY.


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I've caught a cold after not being sick for about a year and a half.
          whoopdee-fucking-do. I love having my throat sore, my head pounding, my face aching, and my eyes burning. I can't even sleep because I just love having a cold so fucking much.