
Hidup bekerja dengan cara yang amazing, jika dulu harus bekerja sebagai pegawai toko, sekarang malah bekerja sebagai professional. 
          	Dulu bahkan tidak pernah bermimpi memiliki kenalan CEO dan deretan excecutive muda di startup, atau bahkan dibimbing langsung oleh Lead di Unicorn. 
          	Apalagi membayangkan menjadi mentor yang mengajari orang coding.
          	Bermimpi sekalipun tidak pernah. 
          	dan sekarang setelah jalan terbuka, malah sepi.
          	karena semakin tinggi malah semakin hati" dalam berprilaku.
          	Semua yang dipost, di comment, dishare. 
          	Bakal menarik perhatian orang.
          	At least, i still can post anything at here, without need to show my professional side.


@ Rainy_Girl177  @hanyarea wah kalian pacalan telus 


Hidup bekerja dengan cara yang amazing, jika dulu harus bekerja sebagai pegawai toko, sekarang malah bekerja sebagai professional. 
          Dulu bahkan tidak pernah bermimpi memiliki kenalan CEO dan deretan excecutive muda di startup, atau bahkan dibimbing langsung oleh Lead di Unicorn. 
          Apalagi membayangkan menjadi mentor yang mengajari orang coding.
          Bermimpi sekalipun tidak pernah. 
          dan sekarang setelah jalan terbuka, malah sepi.
          karena semakin tinggi malah semakin hati" dalam berprilaku.
          Semua yang dipost, di comment, dishare. 
          Bakal menarik perhatian orang.
          At least, i still can post anything at here, without need to show my professional side.


@ Rainy_Girl177  @hanyarea wah kalian pacalan telus 


i will write some fiction story anw, but.. yeahh.. 
          Let's see, since i have a goal to learn Machine Learning, Artificial Intellegence, and Data Science, my goal is in 2022 i can switch career from fullstack developer to Data Scientist. 
          One day i will build my own startup in Health Care Industry  and give social impact.


@needtostop Hi, thankyou ! goodluck on your careers and goals too. GBU.


@Rainy_Girl177 Aameen!  have a good luck on your career and goals.  GBU :)


So, i have a role model. She is an important person at one of startup, i always show up at her webinar, event, community, etc. just because i want to learn more from her. I feel suprised when she notice me, and she DM me on instagram. like this..
          `She send me a screenshot that i comment on her event`
          Role Model: "Aires, don't you feel boring watching me everywhere?  i always talk about same topic anw, hahahaha "
          Me: "Ha? How could you notice me ? i already try to being invisible anw"
          Role Model: "Hahahahaha.. ya kamu comment comment"
          me: "ehmm, actually i just want to learn from you, but i dunno where to start, so i just simply register all your webinar. dan comment comment nya udah aku kurangin bawelnya padahal, kupikir bisa invisible."
          Role Model: "Bahahhahahahahha"
          Me: "i'm sorry.."
          Role Model: "hahaha.. you don't need to apologize, it's me the one who should say thankyou for all of your support."
          *langsung termenung akunya*