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For those who are wondering; in instinct Adam is back at home with his family. Along with max, John, and Red. Ross went because his cousin went. Nick SGC(?) is there because why the fuck not. And the Doctor Killer? Take a guess. Who has the most sparks physically? Based on their M I N E C R A F T S K I N ?? Thats the only hint I will give. My friends already know im pretty sure. I told em. Depends if they saw. I know one did-


Hello, it seems the inSTINCT story has been rewritten and I wish I could have read it back then. I'm wondering when the story will be reposted? I would really like to read this story since people have been saying that this story was well written and good.


Oh its fine, By the way... can i know what it was about actually? I dont know what the plot's about... if you don't want to tell me, thats fine, Ijust really want to know..


@YinNeptunal I'll be honest, I've long since left the fandom for a long while now. The drafts are most likely gone, and I don't think I will ever work more on or republish the older chapters. Sorry, man. It's lost to history-


Hey stupid question, but I'm pretty new here, and I kept hearing about how good the boom InSTINCT was. I couldn't find the book and I was really confused, but just by luck I found your speed paints for the book on YT, and found your Wattpad link. I read through some of the conversations on here and I was just wondering what's happening with the book. I heard it was really good so I wanted to read it, but I see you don't have it published right now... sooo... I guess what I'm trying to ask here is if you're just editing the story or changing it entirely. I really hope you don't change it completely because the art looked really good for it, so I had high hopes for the story too. I'll still read it either way, just curious. If you do end up changing it, is it still going to involve the Newscapecrew, or what's going on with that? Okay that was super long, I'm sorry, I was just curious and I always ask too much. Thank you if you actually read this, and have a nice day.


Alright, sorry for the long message, but I'm super excited for it! I'll keep everyone to check back when it's out. Also thanks for answering so quickly! Have a good day! :)


@FairyNerd23 Its still here! I'm editing the entire book, same plot. Just differently written. Yes the Newscapecrew is gonna be here still! I just am finishing two more chapters in advance because last time I just couldnt keep up-- But its still alive and beating! Coming back soon with a new cover and three long as hell chapters! 


What happened to the update I got a notification and it says load failed 


@silver_fox_pup  the unfinished second chapter was accidentally published. Sorry for the inconvenience.