Officially unpublished all my stories. Kinda heart broken seeing the amount of support I got at that time, specially since I was really young when I wrote those books and had terrible writing. They had good potential, call me a braggart, I don't care they really did. I came up with the craziest plots, but unfortunately young me couldn't properly portray it, hence I must unpublish them for personal reasons such as my dignity and embarrassment. I'll definitely write them again one day, and they'll be better. Not sure when, but this is a promise to myself and am very thankful to the peeps who probably no longer recognize me now, but supported young me back then.
Sincerely, thank you very much.
For now I'll stick to reading and supporting.
I still love the people I interacted with here, and I wish you guys are living your best life happy and contented.
Much love to u all❤️