
Gimme love-


          	  // Am I too late? 


@crimesandcoffee "No! Ralph can't go! No!" He yelled as he began to seriously panic. Scrambling to run as he stumbled towards the opening beside Reed to his left. Though he couldn't feel pain he found it harder to run as he found himself falling face first to the ground. His joint locked up as he sobbed. Though it was mostly noises tears of blue blood streamed down his eyes." Ralph is sorry! So sorry! Ralph was scared!" 


@crimesandcoffee "R-Ralph was just.. defending himself.." he said as he hugged the wall tightly. He didn't mean to kill the man. No. He attacked him first. Same weapons as the first one that laid damage upon his face. A large gash in his arm showed he was attacked too. But it seemed it was more of an android that attacked him than human. Dispite the small red blot of blood on the other side of his neck. Remaining quiet it looked as if he were about to mentally break down. And commit suicide if he were to be taken in. 


@crimesandcoffee "r-ralph doesn't know. No-no." He shook his head whilst facing the brick wall. Clawing at the bricks lightly." R-Ralph was just minding his own business! Yes! That's what Ralph was doing. Very much so." He was shivering. Rubbing his head against the harsh surface of the wall. Blue blood covering his arms almost everywhere almost as if he was hurting himself with the knife.