@katha_writez it will start from the incident Kunti summoned the Suryadev with the mantra whucb was given to her by Maharishi Durvasa to prove herself right in front of Priyamwada. Everything will happen same till Karna will be in a floating basket in the Mata Ganga. But, the twist will be that a portal will be open near floating basket of Karna which absorbed Karna along with the basket. After sometime the same portal opened and basket fell in the river. Baby Karna landed in the Treta Yug. Baby Karna was by few kids who came to collect the Water. They took Baby Karna along with basket to Mata Sita who later decided to adopt Baby Karna. It's after Mata Sita started living in the forest alone after War of Ramayana. She found out who was Karna through Maharishi Valmiki.