Hello again to all readers who stumble on this, and this is an update post. If you been reading and sharing, really wanted to say thank you deeply within. I just wanted to give out alittle info for you all to be aware. First of all, chapter 3 felt abit different in terms of writing, but I decided that it shows more to the main character Mary personality or signs that she isn't this hard headed person. Now I won't go into detail about that, but as for my apperication for people who took the time to read this, I will be planning to release chapter 4 and 5 on the same day as it will focus more on Mary's backstory and understand her character. Second it might take longer then a week to get both chapters out there but do be patience as I will work the best to my abilities to make sure they come out as soon as possible. Once again thank you for reading this and looking forward to doing more in the future.