
Hello, I’m one of your followers and I decided to come by. I just wanted to give you a reminder that you’re amazing and loved by many people (including me!) I want your 2019 to be better than any other year that you’ve lived! I want you to know that you deserve to be on this Earth, and if you ever think otherwise, I’m free to talk to and I will make sure you always know how important you are. If someone tells you that you don’t deserve to live on this Earth, you come straight to me and I’ll beat their @$$. You’re amazing, have a great morning/day/afternoon/night/etc. ❤️


@RancidWriter Of course! Thank you, and I’d be honored to be able to call each other friends. Happy 2019, bye!


@13_Silent_Weepings Aw! Thank you very much and I'd say the same for you! I hope you also have an amazing 2019 and have great fortunes come your way. You're very sweet and kind for saying something like that. I hope I can call you a friend and I hope you have the best you can get. Thank you once again and bye!


Hello, I am trying to write a story with numerous different characters, and was wondering if I could get one from you. Not anything difficult. Just like
          Hair color
          Eye color
          Skin color
          First/last name
          And age
          I'll credit you so you don't have to worry. If you don't want to, that's fine. Just let me know if you have any interest. Bye :)