
this message may be offensive
so i finally managed to get into my old email to get back onto this account fdjhfkd i may or may not ever be particularly active here again? idk but my writing motivation is somewhat coming back, so that's something. i will say i missed wattpad. nice to be back.  anywayyy updates on me ig? uhh,, currently, my main active fandoms are my hero academia and a bit legend of zelda, and im getting back into tau again. i might write some shit for mha, idk yet, we'll see. ive learned to stop making promises about writing kdhgkd u never know when ur motivation is gonna disappear. also, to those of you from discord, im watching you. dont try anything funny. lookin at you baz.


this message may be offensive
so i finally managed to get into my old email to get back onto this account fdjhfkd i may or may not ever be particularly active here again? idk but my writing motivation is somewhat coming back, so that's something. i will say i missed wattpad. nice to be back.  anywayyy updates on me ig? uhh,, currently, my main active fandoms are my hero academia and a bit legend of zelda, and im getting back into tau again. i might write some shit for mha, idk yet, we'll see. ive learned to stop making promises about writing kdhgkd u never know when ur motivation is gonna disappear. also, to those of you from discord, im watching you. dont try anything funny. lookin at you baz.


are,,,, are people interacting with me now? does this mean i have to like,,,, idk, act like a functional person now? this has literally never happened before but i have now had three??? people talk to me as i scream into the void and like,,, did someone put yall up to this?? is it weird if i just scream into the void now? like what do i have never had people actually interact with me online


@Random8jinx well it is nice to interact but no one said ya had to be a functional person be yourself because functional sounds lame


not to come off as rude just genuinely confused and also somewhat flattered????


i am,,,, not a fan of the new style for american dragon season 2. the original style was fine, why'd they change it? it just looks weird now.


@Random8jinx once again you have a point


@Malevolent1 fair. it still looks ugly tho.


@Random8jinx I agree but to be fair I think they only changed it because they wanted him to look more like a Chinese dragon at least that's what I think


Have you read my Transcendence AU: https://www.wattpad.com/story/183847947-golden-tears-a-transcendence-au-a-gravity-falls
          I also have plenty of other Gravity Falls fan fics, I might even do a Danny Phantom one someday!


@Random8jinx oh good!! ^^ Glad you like them!!


@InkyFalls023 oh! i have read this, actually! and ive also read a few of your other gravity falls fics. i really like your wings au.


okay, things have calmed down a bit, and it's still not quite safe to be active again yet, i can check once a day or so, and update fics when needed. it might be several months till i can be active again, or it might be a week or two. i dont know, things can change p quickly around here.