Tagged by the one and only matchmaking bæ @SruthiRajesh 1) do you like someone? -- I like all fellow human beings.... Sometimes :p 2) Do they like you back? -- I guess so... Even if they don't, whatever! XD 3) Middle Name? -- "wait for it" yes people my name is Janhavi "wait for it!" Nagarhalli 4) Single or taken? -- Single Pringle and so don't wanna mingle 5)Last person I texted? -- The most amazing friend in the world who apparently ain't on wattpad :p 6) Last song I heard? -- Beautiful ~ Eminem 7) Battery percentage? -- 69% *wide smirk* 8)Closest female friend? -- They ain't on wattpad but those idiots are - Shivani n @nixxokay 9)Closest guy friend? -- Can't decide, got too many (don't be mistaken, I ain't a whore xD) 10) OTP -- Shansel for life bruh ^.^ 11) why did you create this account? -- it was suggested to me by another close friend of mine @TheLadyHera 12) Current lock screen? -- Me and the squad posing in Pennsylvania like idiots :') 13)Birthday -- 13th January 2000 I further nominate the other following Homo sapiens do complete this.... Umm trend? @Berryblur @nixxokay @JinyThomas @Sminu_Sabu @HowellingOrange