
          	I joined a Danganronpa discord chat and it’s hell 


More weird stories about me as a child
          Me and my brother cut all my barbie dolls hair off once (I had a lot of them) 


@NissyHasArrived Lmao 
            I feel bad for your nose 


@RandomKiwiFruit lmao I did that too ,also I burnt a barbies hair off with a straightener


I feel like telling a dumb story so that what I’m gonna do
          When I was little I had a elf on a shelf, I was terrified of it and would only go to sleep if it was in it’s box 


@NissyHasArrived lmao sameeeee 
            Idk why but dolls are creepy maybe it’s because they look alive 


@RandomKiwiFruit  I hid them under my bed for a while but that was still super creepy and at night when I needed to go to the bathroom I thought one of the dolls was gonna grab me and pull me under  if my foot dangled of the bed even a little bit.
            LMAO im such a weenie!! X'D


@NissyHasArrived same!!!! Or I turned them around 


this message may be offensive
dear bullies,
          that kid you called faggot, his boyfriend saved him from suicide,
          that kid you made fun of in class today he killed himself a few minutes ago, that girl you called dumb, she has dyslexia, the girl you called fat, shes starving herself, the woman you called bald has cancer, that child you called bald, they have cancer too, the man you laugh at because of all his scars he fought for your freedom and country, the child you called retarded because they were in a wheel chair, they nearly died saving a kid from getting hit by a truck, the boy you laughed at for crying, his mother died in hospital a few hours ago. you think you know them. wrong. you don't. if you have a Heart you will paste this on your wall I know 97% won't but if you are that  3%, you are truly a kind wonderful person 
          (everyone can be nice, ctrl+c then ctrl+v is all it takes cmon people)