My name is Randi
and I am a female
I'll make this as short and sweet as possible.
Hello. It's me again flooding your box with this sappy message.
I know I haven't been on here in months... Maybe years... But I have a reason
On January, I realized something was wrong. I felt horrible... After hours of panicking I realized something
I was trans.
My family knows but doesn't accept it... But you guys are different.
I also found out I was kin with Skylord Lysander and Jock Fireblast.
Of course this led to me leaving Wattpad and not returning. Of course I couldn't stay away forever. I made a new account called ConsoleCloud. One I know is promising.
I'm sorry I never told you guys... But I have now.
And now... You need to make a choice. Support, or leave.
I'll understand if you don't follow me on the new account...
I'll see you on the other side. <3
My name is Lysander
My name is Jock
... My name is Randy
And I
Am a male