
Hi everyone! I've recently begun a new story - The Clancy Chronicles.
          	It's an original story that follows a teenage boy named Efrain Clancy, the villain of the story, through his life in Newcrest as his life and family fall apart around him.
          	(Actually, it's just an embellished record of my Sims 4 characters' lives. Obviously, I do not own the Sims 4 or any of the content made by the creators of the game, but I did create my Sims without reference and come up with their storyline myself.)
          	Anywho, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd give it a chance! I only have Chapter 1 out right now and it's definitely going to be a while before I work on the next chapters as I'm very busy with personal matters at the moment, but they will come.
          	That's all, thanks. Bye!


Hi everyone! I've recently begun a new story - The Clancy Chronicles.
          It's an original story that follows a teenage boy named Efrain Clancy, the villain of the story, through his life in Newcrest as his life and family fall apart around him.
          (Actually, it's just an embellished record of my Sims 4 characters' lives. Obviously, I do not own the Sims 4 or any of the content made by the creators of the game, but I did create my Sims without reference and come up with their storyline myself.)
          Anywho, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd give it a chance! I only have Chapter 1 out right now and it's definitely going to be a while before I work on the next chapters as I'm very busy with personal matters at the moment, but they will come.
          That's all, thanks. Bye!


this message may be offensive
Hi y'all I'm back. I'm gonna keep writing but I won't be updating as frequently. Also, I'm editing all my old stuff before I continue any of my stories, bc the quality is shit and I feel I've grown a lot as a writer since I joined, so I want it to match up with what I'll add later. Apologies to everyone who I flat out stopped messaging and who only had my previous announcement to learn that I left; I was in a horrible place, mentally, and I' m very sorry for my actions.


Alright my run on this app was fun but I'm out, hope you didn't get too attached. I'm leaving mainly because I need more space on my phone, but also because I don't really use this app that much and the pressure of writing for other people to read is crushing me. I'm leaving with a few last words: you are amazing. You are unique. You are loved, if by no one else then by me. Don't let anyone tell you you're worth less. Welp, see ya! 


@RandomTriangle goodbye, I hope you have a great life, and just know that you are also amazing and unique and loved, if by no one else, then me. Good luck for the future and I wish you all the best.


I just found a small black scorpion near my bed. I live in Gauteng, South Africa if that helps identify it. I was wondering if anyone here could tell me if it was dangerous or not? It was probably about 2cm (0.7 inches) long and had a relatively short tail with a orange-red stinger at the tip. I didn't get a great look at it (I smashed it to death and beyond before I could think, I know that was cruel and I should've thrown it outside, but I've never seen a scorpion before this and I had a huge fright), but it was pretty wide for it's size. 


@say-wallahi Okay, thanks for the help!


@say-wallahi Ah, okay. Thanks. *Insert me terrified-ly looking to see if there's a nest*


Ever get that feeling where you want to write and have a few ideas that've been swirling around in your head for a while but can't work up the motivation so you just kinda sit there like –.–


@DarkLocked_Closet XD I'm glad I'm not the only one


Hey does anyone need to talk or vent about anything? Just wondering because life can really suck sometimes and sometimes we just need someone to talk to. I get I'm some random stranger on the internet and it's hard to trust people, especially ones you haven't met irl, but I'm here for you. And sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know. I promise I won't intentionally hurt you. But I'm here for you, as a friend (hopefully). (Sorry if this was wierd or anything). Also, if you happen to stumble across this at any time, I'd be more than willing to follow through and be here for you. I mean I might not get back to you immediately but I will. Okay this was waaay too long so I'mma head out now.


@DarkLocked_Closet Hey I'm here for you, do you want to speak here or should I pm you? 


@ShiggysShaggyHair I'll be here for you when you do need me.


Is it just me or does anyone else get absolutely  t e r r i f i e d  for no reason at all when 3:00 (a.m.) rolls around?


@RandomTriangle  Nah, not just u.
            *i am scared to death when its 3 am*


@RandomTriangle i just watch anime and vibe uwu


TwT I think my friend is mad at me. I left them alone today because I was busy with homework, but yesterday and the day before I was out the whole time and I think they think I'm making excuses now. It's a fairly new friendship and we met during quarentine, so we've never met face to face, but we ft every now and then. Can anyone help?