
this message may be offensive
hello lovelies!
          	today i had a very long conversation with an old woman in starbucks about a great many things, and she really put things into perspective for me. we talked on and off for about two hours, and i walked out of that starbucks feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. i had a lowkey shit day today, and without even knowing about the day i was having, she somehow found a way to remind me why i have so much more to enjoy in life. so, lynn, even though you definitely won’t see this, thank you so so much for your perspective and conversation today. i hope to be able to chat again soon!
          	and to everyone reading this, just remember that the best people and conversations can come from the most random of places. if you’ve ever had a similar experience, share it below!


✨️paste✨️ ✨️this✨️ ✨️on✨️ ✨️the✨️ ✨️ten✨️ ✨️nicest✨️ ✨️people's✨️ ✨️profiles✨️ ✨️and✨️ ✨️if✨️ ✨️you✨️ ✨️get✨️ ✨️ten✨️ ✨️back✨️ ✨️you✨️ ✨️are✨️ ✨️really✨️ ✨️special✨️


this message may be offensive
hello lovelies!
          today i had a very long conversation with an old woman in starbucks about a great many things, and she really put things into perspective for me. we talked on and off for about two hours, and i walked out of that starbucks feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. i had a lowkey shit day today, and without even knowing about the day i was having, she somehow found a way to remind me why i have so much more to enjoy in life. so, lynn, even though you definitely won’t see this, thank you so so much for your perspective and conversation today. i hope to be able to chat again soon!
          and to everyone reading this, just remember that the best people and conversations can come from the most random of places. if you’ve ever had a similar experience, share it below!


some highlights from the past few weeks:
          my friend: it’s the school of bitchcraft and rizzardry!
          me: YOU CANT DO MATH!!
          my other friend: YOURE BISEXUAL, YOU CANT DO MATH!! 


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@Random_Chaotic_Bitch I spent last few minutes analyzing my math skills, results: i suck at math


heyo! i’m alive! (and finally getting to winter break, thank the gods)
          anyways, some updates:
          i’m back in the arcane craze. and after the tragedy that was the finale, i’ve decided to make an oc for arcane and start writing. you’ll learn more about her soon.
          i got the understudy for catherine in my school’s production of pippin! its very exciting and i can’t wait for rehearsals to pick up!
          also, buying christmas presents for people is stressing me out. i still haven’t finished my shopping.
          anyways, that’s my update! cya soon!! (i hope)


so, post-show debrief:
          the shows went amazing!! we had so much fun, and it was the perfect show to end our time in the REC (it’s getting renovated for next year)
          we also had the cast party last night, which was wild. almost everyone was shitfaced from alcohol, pot, or both. i was one of three or four fully sober people. three people yakked, and it would’ve been one if the other two didn’t have problems with seeing puke. 
          the funny part was when two people (not together) ended up canoodling the whole time, against the host’s rules. they played two characters who were together, and i think the combination of being shitfaced from alcohol plus complicated feelings made them enter the dreaded showmance (my theater ppl know what i’m talking about). they had a wedding and everything lmao
          anyways, i ended up passing out around two


@Random_Chaotic_Bitch I'm so glad your show went well, I've always loved theater but my school is really small and doesn't have a theater program so I've never actually been in theater but I love going to see shows. 


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accidentally posted too early lol
            anyways i passed out around 2am. woke up around 7:15 and went home. now im procrastinating a shit ton of homework by posting this update lol
            see yall around!


hello lovely people!! i’m so sorry i’ve been quiet on here, but allow me to share some life updates:
          the past few months have been full of preparation for my school’s fall play, which is called 13 Past Midnight! it’s a murder mystery that is very similar to clue, and i have the role of Brenda Moss, the maid who works with the detective to find the murderer! opening night is tonight, which is incredibly exciting! once we get to thanksgiving break next week, i should be able to update something (?).
          again, so sorry for ghosting y’all, and i’ll try to be more active! bye, my lovelies!!


my partner just got glasses a few days ago and gods help me. 
          also they’ve figured this out and are now torturing me in every way they can. *heavy sigh* gods help me.


@Random_Chaotic_Bitch what can I say, maybe you have a thing for guys with glasses lol, I mean your a book writer sooo there's a lot to say about that lol


@timberwolf8759 goddammit you sound like them lmao


@Random_Chaotic_Bitch what can I say us guys with glasses have a tend to be a little sexy lol