
   I think I’m losing it! I found these FemHarry! Fanfics. I don’t remember the title or author for the life of me. 
          	   One was a FemHarry and a Marcus Flint where she gets entered into the Goblet of Fire and they get bethrothed so she can get out of it. 
          	   The other was a Regulus Black, FemHarry where FemHarry gets drunk trips, cute her hand, and makes a blood bond and basically revives Regulus and they’re soulmates. 
          	   I think they are by the same author. Every time I go to look for them I can’t find them. Please someone tell me the writer and tell me I’m not crazy lol
          	    Much Thanks


   I think I’m losing it! I found these FemHarry! Fanfics. I don’t remember the title or author for the life of me. 
             One was a FemHarry and a Marcus Flint where she gets entered into the Goblet of Fire and they get bethrothed so she can get out of it. 
             The other was a Regulus Black, FemHarry where FemHarry gets drunk trips, cute her hand, and makes a blood bond and basically revives Regulus and they’re soulmates. 
             I think they are by the same author. Every time I go to look for them I can’t find them. Please someone tell me the writer and tell me I’m not crazy lol
              Much Thanks


Thanks for adding my two LotR stories to your reading list! I hope you love them. Don't forget to leave some votes if you do and let me know what you think in the comments! 
          Thanks again, and I’m excited to hear from you!! 
          Happy Reading!


And I just noticed that you followed me too! That's wonderful! I really appreciate it. 
            Thanks again!


That's wonderful! I'm so glad to hear it. Don't be afraid to leave some comments the next time around. ;) I'd love to hear from you!
            Thanks again!


No, thank you! I must admit the ones on the reading lists are the ones I go back and read again! And again! Be safe out there!
            - A Loyal Reader <3