I am leaving this account, if you want my new accounts name DM me or leave a comment. I am moving my storys as well and I am planning to post a orignal book of mine on there. 


@ThePainedAuthor IKR dude, its kinda sad bro


I am leaving this account, if you want my new accounts name DM me or leave a comment. I am moving my storys as well and I am planning to post a orignal book of mine on there. 


@ThePainedAuthor IKR dude, its kinda sad bro


          One day Max was walking down the street. Max saw a coffeè shop and walked in wanting some coffeè. Most tables and chairs were taken but there was a seat open. Max went over to a bar stool, and sat down and a waiter came by and said:
          "Sir, what would you like today?" 
          Max thought for a moment and said:
          "I just want a normal coffeè."
          The waiter wrote it down on a notepad and said:
          "Would you like anything else?"
          Max thought a memeing moment and said:
          "I would like a bagel."
          The waiter wrote it down and said:
          "That's be 5.25."
          Max nodded. The waiter put the order on a order wheel thing and walks to a table where a cuple sat. Max turned on his phone and put in the password and went on the chat room called VOID PARTY 2.0.
          Max/Chaos #ladarmy: Any one here?
          Nobody answered. Max frowns and went to a game called BLOW-UP CANADA! He played for a few minutes 'til someone sat next to him. He looked up and saw a girl. Max was surprised any girl would sit by him.
          "Hey... hi I'm Arial." The girl said cheerfully.
          Hey, my name is Max." Max said pondering why she was talking to him.