
Hey everyone! Chapter 16 of 'Let's Just Forget About It' is out now. Make sure to check it out and don't forget to vote and comment.


Omg! Finally! I found it!!  your story again author:>.That story of yours A Blonde with blue eyes and all the series.It was one of those story that captivate me , the storyline is so amazing. I tried to find it long ago but I couldn't find it now i know the reason. These stories really captivate me since I was first-timer then who read here in Wattpad and this my second acc. Now And I remember that Ive read your story and i try as I could to remember the title. Finally found it:>♥️thankyou for bringing it back.


Hey guys! I’m going ti be off for a week or 2 as i got my final semester deadlines coming up… your girl’s gotta work on graduating!
          Peace out ✌ 


@RanielleTJ4 all the best to you! Good luck on your finals