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Hi! I am sorry I was inactive, I was very sick for the past days, now I've got a bit better. I might not be on for a few more days due to Easter and all! I'm sooo sorry!

Hi! I am sorry I was inactive, I was very sick for the past days, now I've got a bit better. I might not be on for a few more days due to Easter and all! I'm sooo sorry!

Hi! I might be missing for a week or so, I apologise in advance for the roleplays im part of! I promise to try and be active but I don't guarantee anything! Love u! I need a break to concentrate on my comic book and other side projects (an upcoming book on Wattpad and other Webtoon book, link in my wall) ~me out!

._. I've been home for the past week... I didn't know how easily I can get bored! I NEED MORE ROLEPLAYS ma dudes!

Bruh... could u believe that there are 3 cases of teachers with corona virus at my skl and other 7 students too and my skl is still not closed? UK is literally doing nothing but ban our trips, proms and all fun stuff but still don't even consider closing skls as an option! Wtf... the world we live in! B) But fear not, my friends, I coughed a bit and my teachers gave me a full week of staying home!

@Rannyaoi Im supposed to go to skl but I lied i got a fever and they gave me a permit to stay home in self isolation for a week

Bruh, so today I told a past friend of mine that I'm demi-pansexual (demi-sexual+pan) and her first reaction was: So you're into me, or some, lesbian? ... me: -_- Like wtf, we've been bif (best internet friends) for over 6 yrs and she completely became arrogant when I told her I'm pan... these homophobes man, they're everywhere, like a plague.

You know.. If he/she doesnt accept the REAL YOU, thats not BIF, thats not even a friend.

Hey! I'm back! A durat mai mult decat ma asteptam, dar din fericire m-am reintors pe Wattpad! Am avut o tona de examele, de invatat si interviuri pentru colegiu si altele!

Eşti o persoană minunată, nu uita asta. Indiferent de ce spun ceilaţi nu renunţa la visele tale. Love, Antares


Hey! S-ar putea sa fiu absenta o perioada! Imi pare rau dar am de dat GCSE-urile anul asta, e ca un fel de Bac englez, si vreau sa ma concentrez pe examele de Crăciun. Si inca ceva, am sa postez ceva carti despre iubire(contine LGBTQ+), horror si poezie pe celalalt cont @IAmReyne :)) Il gasiti in bio!

@ Rannyaoi Nu e nicio problema ca vei fi absenta, concentrează - te pe examene