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Absolutely disgusting. I cannot believe what ive heard from social media. The GUY that i thought that "hey, he seems like, seems like he has a loyal fanbase and based character" fucking fuck up everything like this?! wtf, im honestly so dissapointed and disgusted, this is inhuman. Fuck wilbursoot, all support to Shelby. What he did cannot be forgiven, the amount of torture he's done to that poor girl, thank god i didnt watch wilbur or made stories about him. This is unfortunate but all good things come to an end, that is the end of wilbursoot, thankfully. Absolutely sickening. His stupid ass apology was worse than dream's. His apology wasnt an apology but a paper a narcissist writes, making it allllll about himself. How embarrassing, it is AWFUL to start a paper with "allegations" knowing DAMN WELL you DID IN FACT DO THE ACTIONS, son of a b-tch, i hope he rots in hell for his demented actions, poor shubble, all love to her, she deserves it after such a stressful time with this @ssh0le. I do NOT in any way support him, if you support him, have no hesitation blocking me, unfollowing me, and leaving my profile. Fuck William, a disgusting money-hungry psychopathic m%therf-ck3r.