Hey to anyone who finds this I'm gearing up for Nanowrimo and if you want something super cool and super intense to do during the month of November you should give it a try! You "win" if you reach 50k words by the end of November, the contest starts at the beginning of November. Nano has an official website where you can join up for free and post your upcoming novel! There's a lot of great opportunities for publishers, editors, and any other connection you might need with a super great community of like minded fellows to talk to. If you're interested just go give it a try! It can really help if you're wanting to just go ham and put out the beginnings of a novel. If you do join my name is Shadow15 on the site, buddy up and I'll do all I can to help you get ready for November! Good luck to all you guys already a part of it, or who will be soon enough :)