
Hello! I've decided that it is time to announce something. 
          	I have mainly kept my multiple fanfic accounts separate from each other, but I've decided to stop doing that, because why not. 
          	I have two ao3 accounts. One, which is under this same username and is where I post smaller fics from various fandoms. The second is under the name FungisKitty13, and it is where i post much bigger projects (currently so far only for Good Omens but I have a lot of plans to branch out). I also, have a TikTok account under that username, from which i post tiny oneshots (again, mostly for good omens at this point). I have other accounts, but these are the few that i really use for posting, so i figure I'd tell the, like, 3 people who care and combine my audiences finally. :)
          	Love you guys, I dont say it enough, but your support of my shitty little fanfics literally changed my life, and inspired me to keep writing. Thanks for reading <3


Hello! I've decided that it is time to announce something. 
          I have mainly kept my multiple fanfic accounts separate from each other, but I've decided to stop doing that, because why not. 
          I have two ao3 accounts. One, which is under this same username and is where I post smaller fics from various fandoms. The second is under the name FungisKitty13, and it is where i post much bigger projects (currently so far only for Good Omens but I have a lot of plans to branch out). I also, have a TikTok account under that username, from which i post tiny oneshots (again, mostly for good omens at this point). I have other accounts, but these are the few that i really use for posting, so i figure I'd tell the, like, 3 people who care and combine my audiences finally. :)
          Love you guys, I dont say it enough, but your support of my shitty little fanfics literally changed my life, and inspired me to keep writing. Thanks for reading <3


Heyyyyy apologies for the slow updates and how long it's taking for new stuff to be posted, I AM slowly working on it, but right now I'm having a little bit of writer's block paired with my own mental health, so just BARE WITH ME lolll, I promise it IS coming soon ☆ :')


Uhm sorry to bother you, but I am very confused right now.
          My friend and I were reading your TNT duo Assassin book and were so close to getting to the sequel, but we can't read it now because you've blocked both of our main accounts.
          Is there a specific reason..?
          Is there a reason you went out of your way to block more than 900 people?
          I am very confused and slightly irritated as well, because my friend is not very happy now, not being able to read their favourite book.
          I'm not accusing or trying to be mean, I just need some answers, if you are able to provide them. And if you do block me after this, at least answer first.


@RatRock69 Thank you so much for answering and understanding where I'm coming from, it means a lot believe it or not. 
            I totally understand your reasoning for muting/blocking people. Thank you for explaining.
            I hope there won't be any problems from now on.
            Thank you again!


@skullseatcoins_ hi! Little confused about the 900 people thing tbh?? But I will say that while I might not remember specific reasons for blocking your friend I do block people quite often on here due to multiple reasons, usually to do with maybe supporting certian creators or questionable/problematic ships and things like that. (Not that I'm necessarily accusing you of that) I only do this as it makes me uncomfortable when some of these accounts interact with my stories and account. This being said, I understand that I cannot really control who views my content and should probably just let it go, so I have begun to simply mute accounts that I am uncomfortable with so that (as far as I believe) they can still view my books and I just won't receive notifications about their interactions or smth like that. I can definitely look into why I may have blocked you and your friend and perhaps change that but I won't make any promises about that.  
            Hope that clears this up.


Y'know, I thought about taking another break -just to deal with the sort of existential dread that comes with the current state of the world right now. 
          But instead, I've decided not to. Because, at the very least, one thing that this world needs right now, is a little bit more queerness, and a little bit of comfort -in any form or shape.
          To all my queer, POC, afab, however-way-affected American readers, (and also the rest of the world), 
          Keep writing, keep reading, and most importantly, keep being unapologetically yourselves.


IM BACK!! (sort of)
          I've decided to publish a book that contains all of my playlists for each story, so that they're easy to find whenever I post something new, and I don't have to make a whole A/N for it. 
          Also, I'd like to announce that on top of something I am releasing soon (on ao3), my next project on here will be a (drumroll pls)...
          Gravity falls/ Billfiddlesford fic!!!
          So look out for that soon! ;)


@RatRock69 ALSO forgot to mention, I will be continuing my ongoing oneshots and stuff at some point but possibly not as consistently as before.


          I will (unfortunately) be taking a small hiatus of roughly 6 weeks (or less, perchance) from writing and posting fanfic for life reasons. BUT do not fear, I will probably at least post a chapter or two in the next few days before I go :)


          Do you guys prefer me writing oneshots or full stories more?? 


@RatRock69 whatever is fine


Full stories but one shots are still great!!


@RatRock69 stories are awesomer