
Hey, I have an announcement for those interested in my Teen Wolf story. I changed the pairing so it won't be polyamorous because I don't have enough experience to capture it convincingly and I wouldn't want to offend anyone. So, in the story, it'll only be Adrian and Lydia. But don't you worry, Stiles will also find his one true love and there'll be quite a bit content about them too.
          	Love, Ratcatcher


Have you ever thought about writing a the fosters story callie jacob can be the love interest


Hey, so the problem is that I’ve actually never seen The Fosters, not even one episode. Now, I’m just writing stories about the shows and movies that I’ve seen and liked, but who knows? Maybe I’ll get around watching it sometime.


Hey, I have an announcement for those interested in my Teen Wolf story. I changed the pairing so it won't be polyamorous because I don't have enough experience to capture it convincingly and I wouldn't want to offend anyone. So, in the story, it'll only be Adrian and Lydia. But don't you worry, Stiles will also find his one true love and there'll be quite a bit content about them too.
          Love, Ratcatcher


First, I want to apologize for not updating the Glee story. I wish I could say that my life was too hectic or that something came in the way, but the truth is that my neurodivergent brain just needed a break from it and decided to think up another story. It happens more often than I’d like to admit but I’m trying to do better and push through it. So please stay with me! 
          Secondly, I was so shocked to see that the story reached over 1000 reads! Like what the actual hell? This is insane! Thank you so much to everyone who read it, decided to comment or vote. Your support means the world to me even though it might not seem like it. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You’ve exceeded my expectations! 
          Love, Ratcatcher 


Hey, guys! I’m really sorry for not posting as often, but I finally finished my finals so hopefully, it’ll get better… I’ll try to post a new chapter by the end of the week. I love you and thank you for all your support!


@Ratcatcher09 hey man take your time, it’s understandable you have other priorities in life, no rush :)


so do you have set schedule on when you update I was made for loving you? or it’s just when you finish a chapter?


@Rakurai101  Hey! I'm so glad you like it! So I have pretty busy schedule and life right now, so no, at the moment I don't really have a posting schedule, but when things calm down I'll try to organise it more. I'll definitely let you all know when the posting schedule starts!


btw i’m really loving the book so far !