
chapter 12 of TNBA is out. Bit of a longer of a chapter hope you like it.


I live Stranger Things, RiverDale, Twilight, and Harry Potter too! Have you seen the Vampire Diaries on Netflix? It’s really good. Also, you should write a story out vampires. It’s really fun to write and (read) 


@bettybombshellaus I'm bingeing legacies and the originals right now and I have thought about the vampire thing I may do it later on in the future.


Ok so heres the deal. I'm bi so read like all couples smut. Even though I wont read like a full on story I will read smuts. 
          And I was thinking why dont I write I riverdale smut book. Now if you like this idea please tell me. But be warned the only straight couple in this book will be bughead besides that there really wont be another.