Rated R Raiders- Is a group based on three parts the critic's, Writer's, editors, and the designers. 

Critiquing Raiders- Is a critiquing group that specializes in Rated R stories of such. Each member has their own selected types of stories that generally read and critique. The critique may be as long as the as critic may feel that it’ll suit the author of the stories. Position are always open, It’s open to those who wish to fill it.

Writing Raiders-Is a writing group that writes anything that is a little more then PG-13 to being direct Rated R in general. Writers may feel free to write what ever their heart's desires. All that we're ask is to state the general things that might be going to happen that makes it questionable in some sense. Positions are always welcome.

Editors Raiders- This part of the group will specialize in helping the writers. With their stories. Working side by side with each other improve each other stories. All that is asked is to try your hardest and have fun doing it. Positions are always open for those who desire it.

Designer Raiders- Are for those who like to make things happen. If you have a artist in you somewhere feel free to join. If you want to make a book cover feel free to do so. Just make sure it matches up with the story.

Fairly New Club Open To All.

Steps to Becoming A member:
1)Follow page
2)Fill out application.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1c2tSfLnowTCtighJeo9AmzxpwN-V WIddbZ4NdmG6r8/viewform?usp=send_form
3) Wait to hear back

1)Be respectful towards other members
2)Keep in touch with other members of the club
3)Follow group page (this page)
4)Have fun reading and critiquing and writing.
5)Credit will be given to those books that you helped in.
  • JoinedJune 1, 2014