
//Temporarily alive
          	//Nice to know that people stick around.


//Why am I such a gay disaster?


Something wrong though?


((Because why not? Uwu


Rupert gazed upon the other, in a bit of disbelief and shock over the fact that there was another living person. Not one that was constantly trying to rip him apart and essentially turn him into one of those damned creatures. “ Please tell me I’m not dreaming. I haven’t seen another human since this whole thing started.. “ Rupert had managed to get out in his current state. The whole situation felt like it was just a dream or he was hallucinating from the fact he hasn’t been able to sleep well the past few days. In a last ditch effort to convince himself, he brought up his hand and pitched Connor’s cheek and pulled away quickly and nodded. “ That’s definitely a living person- “


❦ ; 『 @RationalBastard 』
            Rupert had pondered on that idea. He needed a new weapon desperately and the offer sounded nice but there was really no destination he had in mind. His family was gone and he had nobody else to return to. “ Yeah.. Guess you are right. It only gets you so far. I’ll take up your offer. “ Rupert responded a few minutes after he had weighed out the pros and cons. Another thought had appeared in his head as he quickly scanned Connor for anything, or at least something to hold valuable resources. There didn’t seem to be much. “ You are looking for stuff I assume? “ Rupert asked to make sure that he was correct before he took him back to the small little base he had made in one of the least broken and looted stores he can find. Where he hide his bag when he wasn’t scavenging that far.


            "Slow but effective won't work for long. I can stick by you until we find you something if you want. Then I have to get going again." Connor offered. "Even before all this, you'd have to be a fool not to arm yourself in Detroit. We'll find something somewhere." He knew that most places have already been raided and cleaned out, but there was always that chance there was something else. Along with finding Rupert an effective weapon, he planned on trying to find resources for himself.


❦ ; 『 @RationalBastard 』
            “ I survived this long with just a crowbar. Just as long as you have with your gun. “ Rupert said a little too defensively about his current weapon of choice but he was right. He had managed to get around with just a crowbar and not much else but it would be better to have some sort of short range gun. “ The gun shops here have been looted already so if you want to suggest looting one of those. I already tried. “ Rupert explained the current situation about the looted stores and it was no surprise that the gun stores had been looted. Most of the hatchets and axes were gone from hardware stores also where Rupert had a couple close encounters. “ I learned pretty quickly to bash their head in with the flat sort of side. Slow but effective. “ His shoulders had gotten tense again, mostly from himself getting a bit nervous about the fact Connor was right. The crowbar only took him so far and was the least effective weapon so far.